Browse the list below to find out about the currently available puppies at Puppy World! Some puppies might be sold in between updates. Please give us a call at (414) 348-8575 to check if we still have the puppy, you're interested in.
For specific pricing, please call the store or email us. Be sure to include your name, phone number, and the puppy you're inquiring about.
Note: Sizes are listed as the average for each breed. Some may be slightly bigger or smaller.
Puppy Starter Kit supplies include:
(Our sales are different each month and starter kits are always subject to availability and supply! Puppies that are on sale or that have been reduced significantly from their original price may not include supplies.)
DISCLAIMER: We do not post prices of the puppies we have because the puppies find homes very quickly. If you are interested in a breed, you can call our store or email us for pictures and prices! Thank you!
Male Pug
Female Cava-Poo (Cavalier Spaniel/Poodle mix)
Female Cava-Poo
Male Pomeranian mix
Male Morkie (Maltese/Yorkie)
Male Dachshund
Male Teddy Bear (Shih Tzu/Bichon)
Female Jack Russell mix
Female Jack Russell mix
Female Pomsky (Pomeranian/Husky)
Female Pomsky (Pomeranian/Husky)
Male Cock-A-Poo
Male Cock-A-Poo
Male Aussiedoodle
Female Aussiedoodle
Female Goldendoodle
Male Goldendoodle
Male Miniature Poodle
Female Miniature Poodle
Check back soon!
Updated: 2/7/25